SB 107 Must Be Stopped!

Christians cannot sit by silently and allow this legislation to become law

Max H Herr

8/1/20221 min read

Senate Bill 107 (Wiener) is an insidious piece of legislation, bordering perhaps on the edge of child abuse, that must be stopped before it has a chance to reach the governor’s desk. The bill seeks to turn California into a “sanctuary state” for children for the purpose of receiving “gender-affirming health care,” which could include hormonal therapies and/or surgical procedures to alter the physical appearance of the child . . . possibly without parental consent. The bill would also prohibit any law enforcement agency or court in California from honoring an arrest warrant or a subpoena for medical records issued in another state where such procedures are prohibited by law.

Children would not necessarily need to be residents of this state in order to receive the protections SB 107 would provide. The author of this bill is Senator Scott Wiener, who was elected in November 2016 and reelected in 2020. Wiener represents District 11 in the California State Senate. District 11 includes all of San Francisco, Broadmoor, Colma, and Daly City, as well as portions of South San Francisco.

Medical and psychological evidence indicates that most children who receive “gender-affirming health care” do not have the intellectual capacity to fully appreciate the permanent effects of such “care.” They are sometimes pressured by persons other than their parents, and without their parents’ knowledge or approval, into accepting medical procedures such as puberty-blocking treatments or surgeries that will scar them emotionally as well as physically for the rest of their lives.

As Christians, we understand that God has created us in His image as male and female humans. SB 107 is an affront to biological science, to parental rights, to common sense, and to our God. Christians cannot sit by silently and permit such legislation to become law. The flyer produced by Real Impact may be used to urge a NO vote by the members of the Appropriations Committee which may vote on this bill as early as August 3, as well as your local Assembly member who needs to hear that there is significant opposition to this bill.